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Miller, Steve

Steve has worked as a freelance illustrator and artist for several years. He has created illustrations for curriculum and several children’s magazines. He has also worked in computer graphic design and animation. In recent years he has been moving back to his “roots” of working in pencil, pastels and oils.

Steve has won several awards in both local and national art competitions. Although mostly “self-taught”, he is well aware of the limitations of learning the finer points of painting from one’s “self”. He is grateful for artist friends who have traveled the road before him who are willing to share their knowledge about color, light and other art related concepts encountered on the “journey” of learning. Steve has attended a couple painting workshops by painters John Pototschnik and Bob Rohm.

Steve says, “My foundational goal as an artist is to continue to strive to learn all I can about how light, color, and values play a visual melody that allow me to render the beauty of the incredible creation around us; A world that was created by an awesome, loving and holy God. My worldview can be summed up by the first few words from Genesis- ‘In the beginning God…’”

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