Don’t Forget to Vote for Dutch Art Gallery
in The Best of Big D Magazine
Please cast your vote for the Dutch Art Gallery by clicking on the link to be considered the best art gallery in Dallas, Texas. D Magazine is asking for help in determining all of Dallas’ finest offerings. You can return every 24 hours during the voting period to cast a ballot for all of your favorites. The winners of the Readers’ Choice poll will be honored in the August 2014 issue of D Magazine. The Dutch Art Gallery may not be listed, but if we have enough of our fans, customers, and loyal patrons voting for us we just might be chosen as the best art gallery in the Metroplex. The Finalists will be chosen from up to 10 nominees from each category, including the strongest performers in last year’s survey plus a few picks from the D Magazine editors. IF you don’t see us in the listing for an art gallery please enter the Dutch Art Gallery in the blank box for the question, “What’s the best art space in Dallas?”. You can simply write us in the blank box.
Thank you for taking the time in voting for the Dutch Art Gallery!
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