
Find out what's in your bagFirst 25 Guests Who Arrive At The Opening Reception Will Receive A Free Gift

Our participating Gallery Artists and those who are being juried in the upcoming spring show have delivered original miniature works of art in pastel, oil, watercolor and mixed media.

Each gift bag will contain an original art and signed by the Artist.

Artists in the show: Steve Hahn, Hebe Brooks, Mark Malone, David Leister, Sheri Jones, Robin Ingle, June Holloway, Jill Randall, Ilse Taylor Hable, Pete Quaid, Joan Eure, Ann Hardy, Helen Albritton, Tina Bohlman, Bob Shepherd, Laura Antony, Lunell Gilley, Thao Le, Beth VanDeventer, Jim W. Phipps, Lori Cusick, Laurieann Dygowski,  Jorge Fernandez, Donna Bland, Beth Lenderman, Scott McManus, Carlos Esquivel, Janis Krendick, Kay Wyne, Victoria Mauldin, Debbie Grayson Lincoln, Susan Jump, Sharon Hodges, Stephanie Grant, Betty Gates, Ed Crumley, Nancy A. Bozeman, Suzie Baker, Chris Brandley, Lisa Adams Reed, Michael Holter, Debbie Chiecchi Jackson, Kyle Wood, Elinor Taylor, Christine Elaine Patterson, Barron Postmus, Leada Wood, Charice Cooper