For Immediate Release:
Dallas, Texas. February 24, 2014 – Due to some unforeseen scheduling conflicts that are beyond our own control we had to change our Annual Spring Show date from Saturday, May 3rd to May 17th. Since we had to make this date change, we decided to pass on some more time to the Artists who are entering the show. So the final deadline for your Art Submissions is Wednesday, March 12 by Midnight CST.
There has been a FLOOD of Artists submitting entries from across the nation and even from the lower regions of the Americas. How exciting!
The shipping/delivery dates are still the same. Please review the registration page to update your date changes to save the dates for the following:
• Art Entry Deadline AND Fee for Registration, Wednesday, March 12, Midnight CST.
• Art Entry Acceptance Notifications Via E-mail To Artist will begin on Friday, March 14th. (Rejection Notifications Via E-mail will follow promptly.) Accepted Art Entries will be released on the website, will be finalized in show invitations for printing and promotional circulations. Information provided on the Art Entry form will be used in collateral and online.
• Annual Spring Show will be held at the Dutch Art Gallery on Saturday, May 17th from 11am to 6pm.
Also, we will share information about those participating in our upcoming show. We are proud to announce that Mr. David Dike of Dallas is one of our judges serving on the panel.
The Art Featured in our banners and announcements for the Spring Show 2014: White Rock Dock by 2013 People’s Choice Award-winning Artist Steve Hahn was just sold over the weekend. Congratulations to Steve Hahn! We just wanted to inform everyone just in case you are wondering why it won’t be at our upcoming show. We are all smiles because the same thing happened to Artist Judy Mackey with her Art Texas Star that was featured in the banners for the 5th Annual Fall Show in 2013.
Thank you to all who have already submitted your art so far. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
[btn link=”” size=”size-m”]Click Here To Register For Spring Show 2014[/btn]