Once upon a time, this tiara crowned a beauty queen. The memory of that moment lives on with this carefully crafted shadowbox frame to protect it. This project presented a unique challenge due to the depth of the crown. We stacked two frames to accommodate it along...
Think outside the box when it comes to what you have custom framed. Frame what has meaning for you. Stop by or call and schedule an appointment at our Dallas Art Gallery and Framing Shop to discuss your custom framing project. ....
Need something BIG framed? No problem. …and this Back The Blue flag isn’t even the largest object we have custom framed. In the Dallas Fort Worth area, we are your custom and archival framing experts. ....
Additional uses for disposable masks… a unique canvas for artwork. The 2020-2021 pandemic will be remembered for generations to come for how it changed our lives. This COVID mask with original art on it was brought in by a client for framing and we thought it a...
Generational Violin This shadowbox celebrates the importance of music for this family. The violin has been handed down through multiple generations and photos of each family member who played have been included. At Dutch Art Gallery, we are highly experienced in...
Prized Possessions We recently shadowbox framed this hand-sewn boys outfit dated 1870 from the state of Virginia. The photo below shows a close up of the wear and damage it had sustained over the years. Now this piece of history can be protected and displayed. At...